2. Travel through the northwest of Spain

2. Travel through the northwest of Spain

August 18 to 22, 2021

Firstly, I will tell you about the trip I made to the capital Lugo and that you can visit in this city with the best-preserved Roman walls on the peninsula.
Then I tell about my trip to the northeast of my town, where I first visited some little-known towns in the Bierzo region in León but with beautiful views of nature.
The next day he would go to see the province of Lugo in Galicia, where he would see towns in the south such as Monforte de Lemos, Sarria and the monastery of Samos, Meira or Mondoñedo. I would stay at the Lorenzana hostel, one of the best I've been to.
The next day he would pass through the north of the province visiting the basilica of San Martíño de Foz, the beach of the cathedrals or the much-visited coastal city of Ribadeo. In the afternoon he would return and take a walk through Lorenzana.
Finally, on the last day on the way back, I would visit many towns in Asturias such as Luarca, on the coast, with the same fishing style as other more visited towns such as Cudillero, and other little-known inland towns such as Rooms, Cornellana or Grado.
In the afternoon I would visit the capital Oviedo, where I have already been on numerous occasions and on my return I would pass through Mieres.
Finally, on the day back to Guadalajara, I would visit some towns in Castilla y León that are next to the highway A6, such as Benavente in the province of Zamora, or Tordesillas and Medina del Campo in the province of Valladolid. Towns that in medieval times, and in times of the Catholic kings shone in the kingdom of Castile.

Day 0, Lugo in 1 day

September 10, 2019

Day 1, visits to El Bierzo

August 18, 2022

Day 2, Low Lugo

August 19, 2022

Day 3, High Lugo

August 20, 2022

Day 4, see Asturias in 1 day

August 21, 2022

Day 5, from Albares to Guadalajara, important towns on the A6

August 22, 2022
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