Go abroad in France


This is the section about France, a country pasted to Sapin that share part of the mediterranean spirit. His diet is more similar to spain than other north countries, his language come from latin and his history is connected to ours.
Attending to the requirements for settle in a country and the priority it has good features. Opposite to England is more recommendable have a link to France, culture or other values is a good point to want be part of this country. In France experiences are more specific than England which is a country as a point of start of a lot of different nationalities and culture is mixed and it has not a identity clear of country in the last times. France you could see the french spirit and his way of think it remain along the time.

Score 12345678910
Country economy***
Leisure and culture
People mentality*****
  • *Demand of jobs and unemployment level.
  • ** Flats price, transport and food.
  • ***Currency, interest rates.
  • ****Easyness to find familiar food.
  • *****About local population.
Superficie Puesto 42.º
 • Total 643 801[2][1]km²
 • Agua (%) 0,26 %
Fronteras 2 889 km
Línea de costa 5 500 km
Punto más alto Mont Blanc
Población total Puesto 22.º
 • Censo 66 952 000[8][2][3] hab.
 • Densidad 98,8 hab./km²
 • Total (2012) US$ 2 254 067 mill.[3]
 • Per cápita US$ 34 077
PIB (nominal) Puesto 5.º
 • Total (2012) US$ 2 608 699 mill.[3]
 • Per cápita US$ 41 141[3]
IDH (2015) Crecimiento0,897[4]​ (21.º) – Muy alto
Moneda Euro (€)
Huso horario UTC +1[5]
 • En verano UTC +2
Código ISO 250 / FRA / FR

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