
2. Travel through the northwest of Spain

2. Travel through the northwest of Spain

August 18 to 22, 2021

Day 1, visits to El Bierzo

August 18 to 22, 2021

34. Bembibre

34. Bembibre

Salgo de mi pueblo, Albares de la Ribera and I go to Bembibre.
Bembibre is the capital of Bierzo Alto and has no more than 10,000 inhabitants. However, it has almost all the services and Ponferrada is a stone's throw away, just 13 km away. Due to the large number of large towns around it, summers get crowded, especially in the afternoons and nights on weekends, with a large number of bars and nightlife areas.
On this occasion I visit the sanctuary of Ecce Homo. This church is more than 5 centuries old and previously there was another temple there, making it one of the oldest churches in all of El Bierzo. I had never visited, having gone to Bembibre more than 200 times, because I was there long before the current city.

santuario del ecce homo, bembibre santuario del ecce homo, bembibre

Then I was going to see the Mozarabic church of Peñalba de Santiago but because they were restoring the road I had to choose an alternative route, which left me with Lake Carucedo.

Priaranza del Bierzo

Priaranza del Bierzo

On the way, I will visit Priaranda del Bierzo, a very small town with a lot of charm, with the typical mountain houses of El Bierzo.

priaranza del bierzo priaranza del bierzo

On the way to Lago de Carucedo I went up to the castle of Cornatel, which is one of the oldest castles in Berciano. It is located on top of a mountain where you can see Lake Carucedo and Ponferrada in the distance, where one of the largest and oldest castles in Spain is located, from the order of the Templars.

priaranza del bierzo priaranza del bierzo

vistas desde el castillo de cornatel

35. Lago de Carucedo

35. Lago de Carucedo

Then I continue to the castle of Cornatel where you can see the lake that I wanted to reach. At the end I will arrive at the hermitage of the Carucedo Lake where there is a path that leads to an area where one can bathe. At the end is the aquatic area where there are several kayak boats.

lago carucedo lago carucedo

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Priaranza del Bierzo

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Lake of Carucedo


Day 2, Lugo Bajo (CLICK to continue)

August 19, 2021
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