Abengoashares, Abengoa's shareholders' group
After the stoppage of the company's listing for reasons not yet known to be To investigate, the shareholders affected by the supposed agreement reached by the company with creditors, bondholders and suppliers joined forces to defend their interests.
And it is that we remember that the company was in a very bad situation for a long time and precisely at the moment that a salvation agreement seemed closed is when the CNMV, suspended the value, something contradictory. The president of this body, Sebastian Albella , would have resigned just a few months later to avoid future responsibilities, already that Abengoa is only one of the cases where there have been several crimes.
The AbengoaShares management group headed by "LASKA", a regular PCBOLSA speaker for years, would have sought a solution by talking to the creditor banks. This group would begin its journey at the end of July of this year and was working all summer to stop the theft that was brewing.
After a great succession of events at the beginning of this year, the businessman Clemente Fernández , former CEO of Amper, and current shareholder of Abengoa. One of the victims of the maneuver by the creditors.
The future of the current shareholders is now in their hands and in those of a great management team, and of the negotiation that takes place with the creditor banks once they take the reins .
Marcos de Quintos' betrayal of shareholders
Shortly after, this plot would be unmasked, in which the creditor banks would have used De Quintos as the Good Samaritan, making an offer of financial instruments (called PIVS) to current shareholders without any value, neither legal nor juridical, similar to those that They were given in 2017 (warrants) to the former victims of the refinancing process that made their savings in company shares disappear at a stroke. These supposed instruments would be at the mercy of the company's valuation within
4 years !!! . When there is not even a brick inside it and also the value being a differential from 240 million. After 5 years falsifying the valuation of the company who was going to sign such nonsense. Let's recall a company that 8 years ago was worth more than 3,000 million euros and that currently has been forced to be worth up to 60 million euros.
The man in fifths would have put
his sister-in-law Margarida de la Riva Smith . According to this, the leak of this information would be a revenge of the group, for the betrayal of the advisers who knew perfectly what the group intended. These have been ignored since they started by absenting themselves from the first meeting just before the meeting. Possibly they have charged their part but the annoyance that they are going to take during the months that they are inside and the stain on their profile will also have its own. Hopefully this amount received overcomes these inconveniences.
And it is that the creditor bank has enough money to undertake the refinancing, since once they were in a hurry the santandar
would be quick to say that it was going to cover the 20 million. Also
the current government would have been on the side of the bank having voted with this group with their participation. The favors of the banks to the different governments are known, but this government that is doing too many things on its own could have yielded in this case to the weak in this case.

Thus, a new name has emerged after the plot, which is being one of the biggest soap operas in Spain, not released by the press because the media will never go against whoever gives them bread with advertising, banks and the government with the grants. But here is the diary of an engineer to go where others cannot, uncovering injustices.
"But here is the diary of an engineer to go where others cannot, uncovering injustices.
At this point, a new figure has emerged over Abengoa and it is none other than the one who was CEO of Amper, a technology company that is listed on the continuous market and that 5 years ago was about to disappear.
Uncertain future
After the betrayal of deQuintos as payment of certain favors that he owed to the banks, and having put his sister-in-law the majority owners of the company (with about 20%) have been grouped again to appoint Clemente president Fernández (former CEO of Amper) who has behind him having to raise a couple of companies from the ashes and, most importantly, is a current Abengoa shareholder with a fairly high position. Which Urquijo or any representative of the current council has (coincidence?).

And is that according to Urquijo did not buy shares for years because it was privileged information. When almost all CEOs of Spanish companies have shares and buy when it is low and sell before the news. The CNMV never does anything and it is going to give moral lessons ...
This individual only came with a personal interest, to try to repair the damage of the banks, led by the Santander who had 25% of the group 10 years ago, either by cutting up the company or selling it and always trying to get the maximum benefit from operations , either at the expense of other companies or ordinary people like current shareholders. Apparently his days are numbered but due to his age, disqualification does not seem to be a big problem in the event of a macro-trial against the leadership during these years.
The creditor bank, KKR and Santander would first have to sell what is left inside with value. The so-called A3T, a cogeneration plant in Mexico that would have increased greatly in value since the Covid crisis. All renewable companies have multiplied their value by two or three in recent months and Mexico has regained control of its currency, which depreciated strongly against the dollar shortly after the March 2020 buffer crash.
Right now Abengoa is on the radar of many companies and great friends of the creditor banks to see if they can take it to bankruptcy. Well-known companies such as Acciona or Iberdrola would be interested, but first it should come to a tender and be able to buy it at a reasonable price. The companies that carry out projects in renewable energy are at stratospheric prices on the stock market, multiplying the PER they have by more than 20, so if the situation is controlled, many shareholders affected with large losses will be able to recover part of their assets that have been seized by the banks. This requires the widest possible participation in the new receivership. The participation in which is free and fights in favor of the rights of the minority shareholder and not of the large Spanish speculative bank.