In 2015 I returned to Spain where I worked in Indra for a year. Then I would be taking an advanced computer security course and working as a phone operator in my city.
At the end of 2014, having several months to look for work offered by Nokia, and receiving several offers in the United Kingdom I decided to return to Spain to work near the place of residence, in Indra, in Torrejón de Ardoz.
The project dealt with the implementation of an aircraft localization system, ADSB, implemented in 2007 for certain types of radars. Development of DSP algorithms and programming.
At the end of the project the company decided to dispense with its services, due in part to the new strategic plan and other factors.
This company has great potential because it has most of the defense projects of Spain and a lot of good engineers working a lot of hours.
It has a large client base of various countries and the great state support.
However the organization and management of it is quite disastrous, so it has to do a strategic plan since 2014 to reduce costs and personnel.
Even so I believe that in the future may have a greater role but the market is quite suspicious yet.
After completing my temporary contract in Indra, I obtained a place in my city to teach a course on computer security.
One of the sectors with more projection of future and with greater growth in the world of the technology.
In Spain is starting to take off although many companies still think that they are unaware of the attacks from the network.
Most of the company directors of little and medium companies are not aware of the risk involved in having data on servers without any protection, be it a firewall or filters or intrusion detection systems.
In August 2016 I started my security course at the company Orange in Guadalajara and started working later on technical support for clients.
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